
Behaviour for learning is a whole school approach which encourages a consistent system for applying consequences for behaviour which disrupts teaching and learning. Students will be made aware of the consequences of poor behaviour and be given opportunities to modify their behaviour with the support and guidance of staff. To support students signs are displayed in all classrooms that clearly outline examples of inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour. Possible sanctions are also clearly outlined for students. Further information on our Behaviour procedures may be viewed here.

In addition to the behaviours outlined in the behaviour for learning system, meeting the expectations below will help to achieve success in learning:

  • Arrive on time in school and lessons in correct uniform and with a good attitude towards learning
  • Ensure you have all equipment and clothing required for every lesson
  • Complete independent learning tasks on time
  • Make use of the support offered by the school

Rewarding good behaviour

We operate a system of rewards and privileges to encourage students to behave well. Some examples of rewards for students who work hard, behave and attend well are as follows:

  • Verbal praise from staff
  • Positive points allocated
  • Faculty rewards, certificates and postcards
  • End of term rewards assembly